Previous Vocal Group Record of the Week
(Week of 8/31/02 - 9/6/02)


"The Vending Machine Song"/"I've Tried"
by The Three Flames
on Mayfair 5000
released 1949

"I Don't Want To Take That Chance"/"(Goodbye) Cornelia Jones"
by The Three Flames
on MGM 10853
released 1950

Photo of Tiger Haynes
[The above photo provided by Bill Proctor.]

Above: Photo of George "Tiger" Haynes. He was with The Three Dandies (1937-39), Plink Plank And Plunk (1939-45), and The Three Flames (1945-64).

Mayfair Label-The Three Flames-1949 MGM Label-The Three Flames-1950
[The above label images and below audio files provided by George Moonoogian.]
Above: Label images for Mayfair 5000 released circa November 1949 and MGM 10853 released October 1950. Also included in the audio files below is The Three Flames' August 1949 release on Harmony 1063. It was in 1949 that they hosted the live musical series "The Three Flames" on the NBC television network.

Listen to this week's selections:

A) Click on an option below to listen to Streaming Windows Media Player.

"The Vending Machine Song" - Three Flames - Mayfair 5000 - 1949
"I've Tried" - Three Flames - Mayfair 5000 - 1949
"I Don't Want To Take That Chance" - Three Flames - MGM 10853-A - 1950
"(Goodbye) Cornelia Jones" - Three Flames - MGM 10853-B - 1950
"Please Stop Playing Those Blues, Boy" - Three Flames - Harmony 1063 - 1949
"I'll See You By And By" - Three Flames - Harmony 1063 - 1949
"ALL TEN SONGS (including Part One)" NOT FUNCTIONAL!

B) Click on an option below to listen to Downloading Windows Media Player.

"The Vending Machine Song" - Three Flames - Mayfair 5000 - 1949 (file size=454KB)
"I've Tried" - Three Flames - Mayfair 5000 - 1949 (file size=460KB)
"I Don't Want To Take That Chance" - Three Flames - MGM 10853-A - 1950 (file size=427KB)
"(Goodbye) Cornelia Jones" - Three Flames - MGM 10853-B - 1950 (file size=347KB)
"Please Stop Playing Those Blues, Boy" - Three Flames - Harmony 1063 - 1949 (file size=454KB)
"I'll See You By And By" - Three Flames - Harmony 1063 - 1949 (file size=395KB)


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