Previous Vocal Group Record of the Week
(Week of 1/13/07 - 1/19/07)

"Please Give My Heart A Break"/"Rock And Roll"
Bill Mathews And The Ballardiers
on Arlington 201 A/B
released in 1949

Above: Picture of Bill Mathews And The Ballardiers, also known as Billy Mathews And The Balladeers. Mathews was featured vocalist with the Cootie Williams Orchestra.

Above: Reviews from The Billboard dated (Top) 2/21/48 and (Bottom) 4/2/49.

Above: Label image for Arlington 201 A. This was a New York City label owned by George J. Bennett. Bandwagon was an affiliated label (ref: Ann Cornell and Rhythm Masters). Bennett also owned the Bennett label (ref: Rhythmasters).

Listen to this week's selections by Bill Mathews And The Ballardiers: [Audio restoration by Dave Saviet.]

  A) Click on the option below for Streaming Windows Media Player
     Please Give My Heart A Break - Arlington 201 A - 1949
     Rock And Roll - Arlington 201 B - 1949
     I Love You, Yes I Do - Mercury 8073 - 1948

  B) Click on the option below to Download Windows Media Player
     Please Give My Heart A Break - Arlington 201 A - 1949
     Rock And Roll - Arlington 201 B - 1949
     I Love You, Yes I Do - Mercury 8073 - 1948


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