Previous Single Artist Record Of The Week
From The Collection Of Paul Ressler

(Biweekly 3/6/04 - 3/19/04)

"Get Yourself Another Guy"/"I'll Never Be Free"
by Savannah Churchill
on Arco 1202
released in 1949

Photo Of Savannah Churchill

Above: Photo of Savannah Churchill.

Click HERE for a short article about Savannah Churchill by Tony Fournier.

Arco Label-Get Yourself Another Guy-1949

Above: Label image of Arco 1202-B released in 1949. The flip is the Benjamin-Weiss composition "I'll Never Be Free", crediting The Red Norvo Quintet with Vibe Solo by Norvo. The vocal group on the "Free" side is not named on the label, but is probably The Striders. While the majority of Savannah's recordings were with vocal group backing, almost as many were done solo.

Listen to this week's selections: [Audio restoration by Dave Saviet.]

A) Click on an option below to listen to Savannah Churchill using Streaming Windows Media Player.

"Get Yourself Another Guy" - Arco 1202-B - 1949
"I'll Never Be Free" - Arco 1202-A - 1949

B) Click on an option below to listen to Downloading Windows Media Player.

"Get Yourself Another Guy" - Arco 1202-B - 1949 (file size=438KB)
"I'll Never Be Free" - Arco 1202-A - 1949 (file size=460KB)


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