Previous Single Artist Record Of The Week
From The Collection Of Paul Ressler

(Biweekly 1/10/04 - 1/23/04)

"Play The Game"/"O What A Fool"
by "Mr. Google Eyes" August
on Duke 117
released in 1953

Photo Of 'Mr. Google Eyes' August

Above: Photo of "Mr. Google Eyes", otherwise known as Joe August or Joseph Charles Augustus.

Duke Label-Play The Game-1953

Above: Label image of Duke 117 released in 1953.

Listen to this week's selections:

A) Click on an option below to listen to "Mr. Google Eyes" using Streaming Windows Media Player.

"Play The Game" - Duke 117 - 1953
"O What A Fool" - Duke 117 - 1953

B) Click on an option below to listen to Downloading Windows Media Player.

"Play The Game" - Duke 117 - 1953 (file size=449KB)
"O What A Fool" - Duke 117 - 1953 (file size=411KB)


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